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Futura Filati srl
Sede legale:
Via Cefalonia, 49 - 25124 Brescia
Sede amministrativa:
Via Cefalonia, 49 - 25124 Brescia
Tel: +390302445211
Fax: +39 0302420181
- Hits: 3506
Futura Filati srl
Via Cefalonia, 49 - 25124 Brescia
Via Cefalonia, 49 - 25124 Brescia
Tel: +390302445211
Fax: +39 0302420181
The colour variations of the melange yarns proposed by Futura Filati are many, but our strength lies in knowing how to generate or replicate any shade of colour, both in traditional and compact ring and also in sirospun, to which it is also added the “Jaspé” variant, obtained by spinning two rovings of different colours at the same time.
This is the name that Futura Filati gave to its yarns produced with SIROSPUN technology: a spinning process that gives more regularity and resistance to the yarn, which Futura Filati declines in its departments on various fibers’ blends, both in traditional and compact technologies.
Since its origins, ring spinning has been used all over the world to spin cut fibers, natural and otherwise. Forerunner at European level, Franzoni Filati collaborated with a textile machinery manufacturer in developing the compact technology, on which for years it has held the exclusive right. Still the strong point in Futura Filati’s production, compact technology is flanked by traditional ring and, to a lesser extent, by Open End.
Since some years Futura Filati has introduced in its portfolio also some synthetic fibers, which with the exception of elastomer (Lycra), which is used in filament and covered during the spinning process, are cut in cotton linden, blended and worked in a dedicated department, in order to avoid contamination with other departments strictly natural.